I was so excited to learn that “Happy Wife Yuppy Life” was nominated for an award!! I was so surprised when Jennifer from contacted me to tell me she nominated me for this award. You all need to go check out Jennifer’s blog she has so many great recipes and home decor projects featured! Thank you so much Jennifer for nominating me.
The Liebster Award 2017 is an award that exists only on the internet, and is given to bloggers by other bloggers. Specifically newbies, in order to help create community, encouragement and gives readers a chance to learn a little more about the real people behind their favourite blogs.
Liebster Award 2017 Rules:
• Thank the person who nominated you, and post a link to their blog on your blog.
• Display the award on your blog — by including it in your post, or by having it as the feature image.
• Write a 150-300 word post about your favorite blog that is not your own. Explain why you like the blog, provide links.
• Provide 10 random facts about yourself.
• Answer the questions from your nominator.
• Nominate 5 – 11 blogs that you feel deserve the award, who have a less than 200 followers.
• Ask your nominees questions of your own.
• List these rules in your post.
• Once you have written and published it, you then have to:
• inform the people/blogs that you nominated that they have been nominated for the Liebster award
• provide a link for them to your post so that they can learn about it (they might not have ever heard of it!)
• If you would like a more detailed list of the rules, click here.
About my nominees
I’m nominating Jessica from I began following Jessica on Instagram a few months ago when I came across pictures of the adorable birthday party she threw for her daughter. I noticed soon after that she had a blog and I’ve been following along ever since! Her blog post “First Birthday Garden Party” is my favourite (so far!), I love seeing all of the attention to detail and love she put into the party - and the tent was fit for a wedding! She has inspired me to throw a garden party (when my yard is done…maybe a celebration party! LOL)
Next I’m nominating Jennifer from I recently started following Jennifer on Instagram and began following her blog soon thereafter. I can totally relate to her love of routine, lists, organization and fall! I admire her regular posting (something I’m working on!) and you have to check out her ORGANIZED kitchen junk cabinet!
10 Random Facts About me
1 - I live in Canada.
2 - I have never travelled further East than Winnipeg!
3 - My husband and I shared many mutual friends and acquaintances (I even bought my first car from his mom when I was 15) but we never met until I was 20.
4 - I worked for my parent’s prior to becoming a stay at home mom 8 years ago (and then did some part time work for them here and there)
5 - I LOVE being a stay at home mom, even though there can be some really tough days, I would not change it for anything!
6 - I love fall! Call me basic, but I LOVE fall!!
7 - I prefer magazines over books.
8 - I am extremely sarcastic!
9 - I have watched the entire Gilmore Girls series from start to finish more times than I can count (seriously, it’s my favourite!)
10 - I dream of one day owning a home in the mountains or a lakefront cottage!
Jennifer’s Questions for me!
1 - What social media site do you use the most? That would be a tie between Instagram and Pinterest!
2 - For what in your life do you feel most grateful? I am so grateful for my family, I’ve been with my husband for over 14 years and we have 2 beautiful children! I’m also very close to my parents and am so grateful for everything they have done for me growing up.
3 - What is one thing you can not live with out? Wifi? Lol…but really….
4 - If you could travel any where would you go? My bucket list trip is to see the American east coast in the fall. I love fall and it’s my dream to one day visit each of the states along the coast.
5 - Are you a list maker? Yes! I NEED lists!
6 - What is your favorite food? Potatoes! It sounds weird but I truly love potatoes and the versatility, so many options!
7- Do you like to cook or bake? I love the bake (I worked for my parent’s in their bakery for 16 years!) other than that I really enjoy take out ;)
8 - If you could have one wish what would you wish for? World peace? Endless money? I’m not too sure!
9 - What is your favorite part about blogging? My favourite part about blogging is the same reason I started. To be able to look back at our progress while finishing our house. I have always loved to follow design blogs for inspiration and one day decided why not? It’s fun to look back and see a few little things we have changed so far - stay tuned we have a few BIG projects in the works ;)
10 - What advice would you give to a new blogger? To be consistent and stick with it (even when it feels like the only person following along is your husband, haha). Now that my son is in preschool for a few hours a week it’s my goal to try and stick to a schedule for posting.
My questions for my nominees!
1 Do you have any hobbies?
2 How long have you been blogging?
3 What is your favourite travel memory?
4 What is your favourite food?
5 Do you have any pets?
6 What is your favourite tv show or movie?
7 Do you still live in your hometown?
8 Why did you decided to start blogging?
9 What is your favourite thing about blogging?
10 What is your advice for something thinking of starting a blog?