Recently my kids and I have started attending the Home Depot kids workshops at our local Home Depot. If you've never attended a workshop and have kids between the ages of 5-12, I highly recommend trying it!
Begin by signing up online here. The workshops happen once a month on a Saturday morning and fill up quickly! (The Home Depot we attend doesn't ask for proof of registration but the confirmation emails tell you to bring it with you.)
Once you arrive at the sign in table, the kids will receive a building kit and their very own orange Home Depot apron that they get to keep! My kids thought this was an amazing! At the end of each session when you leave you check in again at the sign in table to receive a certificate and a pin to add to their apron.

Originally I was expecting a leader guided building session but there is no leader, the children work independently or with the help of their parents to build the kits. The kits include very clear instructions, pre-cut wood pieces and all of the nails or screws they will need. Each of the tables have a selection of REAL tools including hammers, screw drivers, sand paper and wood glue. These aren't kids tools, they are real adult tools (which my kids LOVE)!

When you have assembled your project you can take it to the paint table to finish off your masterpiece. Sometimes we will stay and finish the painting in the store but if it's too crowded we like to take it home and spend the afternoon painting. Also a little side note to keep in mind is that you will have to take home this project with fresh paint. I've noticed that the younger kids like to use a lot of paint, so bring something to set it on in the car.

The workshop is for ages 5-12 and while I have seen children attend that are younger, I would strongly recommend that you wait until your child is 5. Most 3-4 year olds do not have the motor skills or attention to detail required just yet!
*All opinions are my own. I have not been compensated by Home Depot to write this review.