Over the years we have added a few quick and affordable upgrades to our homes that really do make life easier! These upgrades can be added at the time of a new build, renovation or completed as a quick weekend DIY project. Today I'm finally sharing these tips and tricks with you.

If you have a walk in pantry there is a good chance that you already have this in your home. When designing our last house we had 2 young children and I was always getting called to turn on the bathroom light in the middle of the night. We had the builder install a motion sensing light switch in the sink room of their shared bathroom. When the door would open from the bedroom to the bathroom the light would automatically turn on! Once they were in the sink area they could use the light switch to turn on the lights in the attached room with the tub/shower and toilet.
Price - $19.98/ each

Years ago I remember seeing commercials for the Brinks push, pull or rotate door knobs but couldn't justify replacing something that wasn't broken. Earlier this year we had a door knob break and it seemed like the perfect time to try it out! We installed it in the door from the mudroom to the kitchen and it works like a breeze. So handy for a door where you always have your hands full! (I bought a passage knob, I have read reviews about some of the locking sets not working)
Price - $26.50+ (Price varies by style)

A couple of years ago we picked up 1 of these wall outlets to switch out in our kitchen. I love how much cleaner it keeps the area, not having that clunky charger plugged into the wall. We were so happy with it that we picked up 2 more for either side of the bed.
Price - $30.99/each

These are life changing! Life is so simple when you can go for a bike ride or a walk with a stroller and not need to worry about lugging around your garage door opener. (After having a keypad then moving into a house without one I really missed it!)
Price - $59.99

Do you have a home upgrade that makes life easier?