This week Etsy released a list of the hottest decor trends happening on their site right now! I always look forward to seeing the trend predictions each year and I often will incorporate some elements of the current trends into my home or wardrobe, even though I usually gravitate towards a more classic style.
So what are the upcoming trends? Would I use them anywhere in my house? How would I incorporate the style? Let's get started!

1 - Tie Dye
The current tie dye styles that I've seen on Etsy isn't the stereotypical tie dye of the 70's. Some of the colours are soft pastels or trendy shades of indigo and the swirls are less intense than what you would see on an old t-shirt! (But if that's your style, your in luck because it's still on etsy!)
Would I use tie dye in my home? Yes! I can picture some tie dyed thow pillows in soft shades being incorporated with other prints and solids. (I actually have been wanting to try a DIY project I saw on Pinterest for a sharpie pillow case!)

2 - Art Deco
While I do love mid century modern style (and have since I was a kid), I've never been a fan of Art Deco.
Would I use any Art Deco styling in my home? Probably not! (But this address block would be a cute addition to a house from the era!)

3 - Crystals
To me, this doesn't really seem like a new or unexpected decor trend. Crystals have been very popular over the last year!
Would I use crystals in my home? Probably not! In the last year my style has been evolving and I've been slowly getting rid of old things including crystal lamps, frameless mirrors and glittery accessories. I remember wanting crystal door knobs a few years ago...gone are the days of sparkly things around here!

4 - Animals
Searches on etsy lately have included tigers, flamingos and animal print!
Would I use animals in my home? Yes! I love a good leopard print accessory! Whether it be a throw pillow or a pair of flats I am always gravitated towards the spots! I would use animal themed art for my kids bedrooms, have you seen how many adorable pictures they have at Homesense? As for the flamingos, my son tells me they are my favourite animal (no idea where he came up with this, they aren't my favourite) But I have seen a few beautiful flamingo wallpapers that I would use for a small powder room. (My husband would NEVER agree to this, lol)

5 - Abstract/Geometric prints
I usually love prints but I'm not totally sold on the abstract/geometric prints yet!
Would I use abstract prints in my house? Probably not! It reminds me a lot of the bedroom DJ and Stephanie shared on Full House and while I loved it in the 90's, I'm not loving it today! (Side note, I do like the calming shades used in the art above!)

6 - Desert Theme
Move over tropical and make way for desert themed decor!
Would I use desert decor in my home? Yes! To a certain point! I love cactus', I don't mind turquoise but I draw the line at a southwest theme. I live in the Canadian prairies, not the desert and I've been around long enough to see full out southwest theme decor before and it's just not for me!

7 - Wallpaper on the stairs/furniture
The article states that searches for removable wallpaper is on the rise and people aren't just using it on the walls. Get ready to see bold prints covering everything from furniture to the stair kick plates!
Would I use wallpaper unexpectedly in my home? Not sure! I love the punch of wallpaper and while we are renting it is not something I would attempt. They claim the wallpaper removes easily without damaging the walls, but it seems like a lot of time and effort for a short time (also what if it does wreck the wall!?!) As for adding it to a cabinet, I currently don't really own anything wallpaper...but I have seen some pretty great IKEA hacks, so who knows what the year holds for me!
If you are ready to embrace the trends, get started on Etsy now!
*Disclaimer - All views and opinions are my own, I am not affiliated with Etsy, nor will I receive compensation if you follow any of the links provided. If you would like more information on any of the products shown, click the source link below the photo.