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Our house - empty!

Well it has been 2 weeks since we moved to Calgary! So what have we been up to? A whole lot of waiting.

When you do a long distance move with a moving company they will always load the truck with more than one house. When the movers showed up at our house they already had 2 full houses on the truck that were also moving to Calgary. At 6:00 PM on the load day they had run out of room on the truck and were unable to get a second truck until the next day. This threw off my plans of getting to Calgary that night (it was probably unrealistic to begin with, but I digress). So the kids and I camped out on the floor with the 2 blankets and mermaid tail that I had set aside from the move. Not the greatest sleep I've ever had. LOL!

Once we arrived in Calgary we had to wait 6 days for our furniture etc to arrive. Knowing that it would be a few days I packed a few kitchen essentials in my car to get us through and relied on restaurant meals for supper. We again camped out on the floor and sat on the stairs to have my morning tea. But staying in a empty house is pretty boring and a little depressing. My husband was busy working and the kids and I tried to get out at least once a day. I've been trying to learn my way around the city by picking a grocery store in another neighbourhood or driving aimlessly until we find a new park to try out.

After 6 (long) days the moving truck arrived. Safe to say the new neighbours weren't thrilled with the huge truck being parked out there for a full day. But it gets better....some of the stuff was still en route from Regina and would be dropped off 2 days late meaning another big truck blocking the driveways for another hour. I wasn't even surprised at this point!

Most of all I was excited for our couch and our bed!! It's been a slow process unpacking and a little discouraging knowing I have to do it all again once our house is ready. I used towels as packing material for the breakables which I'm still trying to locate and I know a few boxes meant for the bedrooms ended up in the basement.

We signed up for Internet the week we arrived and that ended up being a 10 day wait! I was strategically picking places to go with free wifi to check my email and download some new cartoons on Netflix. I ended up giving in and buying a DVD player (what year is this?!?!) to watch movies that we keep in the truck. It was a nice break from the silence while unpacking. I even searched through the $5 movie bins at walmart for the first time in ages and found the first season of Modern Family for $8...I forgot how hilarious the early seasons are!

The kids BOTH start school in just over a week and I'm nervous for the change and excited to get into the school routine! My son did preschool for a few hours a week last year but this feels way more's been 9 years of being a stay at home mom and I'm not sure what to do with those 3 hours a day I'll have! Finally join a gym? Actually devote some time to this blog? Clean the house? Take up day drinking? LOL So many options!


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