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If you follow me on Instagram you will know the history of my son's current bedroom. Before moving in we discussed a furniture layout for his room but on the day of the move, my outgoing little guy came up with a new idea and told the movers where he wanted everything. Since that day it was driving me crazy, it just didn't look right. His large dresser needed to be moved and every time I suggested something he was adamant that it stay the way it was. (This kid doesn't like change!)

Last weekend I woke up, cleaned off my desk (gasp!) and decided to keep going! My kids were playing together so nicely that I decided it was the perfect opportunity to reorganize my son's bedroom. I started by cleaning out his dresser. He hit a major growth spurt and I managed to get a full laundry basket in the donate pile! Here's a picture of the progress (it always gets worse before it can get better!)

With the dresser emptied I was able to slide the dresser into the closet freeing up space in the bedroom! (I use the dresser for 95% of his clothing).

I then moved the toy cubbies into the bedroom (these should be in a play room but I digress). He has been dreaming of a "gaming room" in the new house and asks EVERY day when we are getting our new house so he can have his gaming room! With the lack of space I decided to set up a TV and 1 console in his room. He was so thrilled! A little treat to keep him happy while we are in limbo :)

My daughter made some letters for her bedroom wall spelling out her name the week before and it looked so cute that I wanted to do the same for him. We used the font Budmo and enlarged each letter to be the size of a full page. I went with a red, blue and green colour scheme. After cutting out each letter we glued it to a piece of black bristol board and cut it out leaving a little frame of black around each letter. (If you followed my InstaStories you will remember that I was doing this craft project in the car while he was at a birthday party) I decided to spell out "GAME ON" rather than his name to add to his gaming theme. He was so excited and is now asking for a Zombie Sonic poster....I told him that would wait for the real gaming room. Haha!

Overall the refresh cost $1 for a sheet of bristol board. I used Closet Maid storage cubbies that I purchased from Canadian Tire 3 years ago and was done in an afternoon. He is so happy with his new room and I can finally walk in without cringing, it's a win win win situation (if you watch the office you'll get the reference, LOL).

For his next bedroom he wants a shark theme room. I'm excited because 1- I love nautical themes and 2 - it will go with everything navy and white from his last room. Stay tuned for updates on the real gaming room and the sweet shark bedroom :)

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